Shelby County Family and Children First Council

A countywide collaborative effort of our social services agencies,
school systems, business, city, and county representatives.


About SCFCFCForm & Docs

Resources for children, youth & families

Promoting Healthy Children, Strong Families and Thriving Communities

Mission Objectives

To empower parents by offering means to nurture and motivate their children to realize their potential
To provide a comprehensive and effective network which supports families in their responsibility to build independent and productive lives for children.
To mobilize community resources and create partnerships designed to improve results for families and children.
To increase the responsiveness and integration of the human and social
services system to better support families and children.
To equip parents and families with the necessary education, skills, network, and tools to support children in the earliest years of life and beyond.

Vision and Mission

The Shelby County Family and Children First Council is a countywide collaborative effort of our social services agencies, school systems, business, city, and county representatives. The Council was organized in January of 1993 in response to Governor Voinovich’s Family & Children First Initiative. The goal of the Council is to improve the quality of life for children and families of Shelby County in the areas of health, child development, and education. This will be accomplished by working together to redesign existing programs so that they lead to better results and reinforce each other, fill service gaps, and develop new approaches where needed.

2025 Meeting Dates

Meetings will start at 8:30 and will be held at the Shelby County Board of DD unless otherwise noted.

March 26th

May 28th

July 23rd

Sept 24th

Nov 19th

Contact us


Article I - name
The name of the organization shall be the Shelby County Family and Children First Council.
Article III - memberships

The Shelby County Family and Children First Council may include as members, any agency, school system, parent/family representatives, or other interested party who serves Shelby County children and their families according to the vision and mission statement. The responsibility of the Council as a whole will be to advise, assist and provide input to the voting members. The Shelby County Family and Children First Council will be comprised of two entities. The voting members (referred to hereafter as the Executive Council) and the Advisory Members.

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Article IV - officers, terms and duties
  • The Executive Council will select the officers at the end of each calendar year to serve a one year term beginning January 1 st of that year and ending December 31s t of that same year. Officers are expected to be active members and attend all Executive Council meetings.
  • Duties of Officers: The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Shelby County Family and Children First Council and in his/her absence the Vice Chair shall preside. The Secretary shall take minutes of meetings.
  • Vacancies among the officers shall be filled from the Executive Council by a majority vote.

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Article V - committees

There shall be an Executive Committee elected from the Executive Council composed of the Chairperson, Vice Chair, Past Chair, and Secretary. The Chairperson may appoint any other member of the Executive Council to serve on the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall perform such duties as may be assigned to it by the Executive Council.

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Article VII - parliamentary rules

The Council will conduct all business according to Roberts Rules of Order.

Article IX - executive director
Council Director can authorize the organizational expenditure of funds up to $5,000 for expenses related to program needs, and service contracts routine in nature. The authorization of administrative expenses as it relates to supplies and equipment and the like is not to exceed $500.00 and shall be reported to Council.

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(937) 658-6819

1200 S. Children’s Home Rd. Sidney, Ohio 45365